Nannie helps you get through better confinement

The latest legal information regarding the regulations relating to the employment of a babysitter during this confinement authorizes your Nannie to exercise her profession normally.

Despite the shutdown of part of the economic activity deemed non-essential since the start of the re-containment, home jobs and therefore childcare, life assistants or even households are maintained for the next few weeks, as specified in the decree published on Monday, November 2.

Parents can therefore provide proof of business travel to their Nannie to enable her to go to their home. As for the school certificate, this proof is valid throughout the confinement period and must be accompanied by the travel certificate. Your Nannie is required to respect the sanitary protocol by taking care to wear protective masks and hydroalcoholic gel.

Fortunately during this period of confinement you can always count on your Nannie to help you on a daily basis.

She is not only present to look after your children by simply taking a look from time to time, but she fully participates in their development in all circumstances. She accompanies them in carrying out their homework, with patience and interest, she prepares them champion’s snacks, sets up many activities to develop their knowledge, takes care of the bath, puts them in their pajamas and sings them beautiful nursery rhymes. to fall asleep.

But that’s not all, far from it. During this confinement scheduled at least until December 1, she can go to the park with your child within the limit of one hour per day and within a perimeter of 1 kilometer around the home. So nothing hurts them to take out their scooters or their bikes. Kids need some fresh air too after all!

If your working hours are organized because of the health crisis, we offer a permanent Nannie service. They are highly qualified, very experienced candidates who are used to fully sharing the life of the family. It’s reassuring to know that your Nannie is making dinner for your child and will put them to bed even if you get home late.

Enjoy more flexibility to manage your last minute changes when Nannie is “playing at home” 🙂