Back to school is approaching, how do you choose the right Nanny for your children?

What are the qualities of a good Nanny? How do you recognize the ideal person to take care of your children? These questions are essential when finding and selecting a qualified Nanny. In this article, you will find the essential characteristics that we believe the ideal nanny must have.

Have you just finished your maternity leave and do you need someone to look after your child? Are your working hours or your personal situation forcing you to need extra help? If you do decide to hire someone to take care of your kids, they must be great and their pay should never be the main factor in your choice.

But how do you recognize a good Nanny? A demanding selection process is essential to avoid mistakes.

During interviews, keep a list of questions handy. A good questionnaire will allow you to get to know the candidates better. We present to you 5 fundamental subjects to address during his visit:

  1. Have a clear vocation for childcare

Although it seems obvious, a good Nanny must love children.

Take stock of their professional career and the studies they have carried out (childcare, first aid or career related to childcare).

To take care of the little ones the ideal person should not only be patient but also happy to take care of the children.

  1. Be Proactive

Your Nanny will look after your children while you are away, so you won’t always be around to give her instructions. This is why it is essential that she is gifted with initiative and that she knows how to deal with the unexpected. For example, if you leave a business meeting later than scheduled and it’s already dinner time, a professional Nanny will know she needs to cook a balanced meal for your children herself.

Your Nanny needs to give you enough confidence so that you can delegate the most important tasks to her while maintaining a great deal of peace of mind.

  1. Be attentive and thorough

A good Nanny should be attentive to parents’ instructions. It is important that she knows all the details of your children’s lives: their allergies to certain foods, the uniform they must wear to school or the time at which she must pick them up from their extracurricular activities. ..

The ideal Nanny should be orderly and disciplined. She must fully understand what tasks are assigned to her and how to perform them.

  1. Have a communicative temperament

Your super Nanny will have good communication skills, both with parents and children.

The little ones must know how to listen to her and understand her, she must show empathy so that your children feel heard. Its language must be direct and simple.

  1. For more security go through a recognized agency

To make sure we select an excellent Nanny we check her references. We will make sure she has the experience she claims to have. To do this, we contact his former employers and carry out an in-depth investigation before proposing a candidate to you.

Finally our most important advice is that you take a little time before you make up your mind. Trust your instinct as a mother because no one is better suited to know your family’s needs than you.